Secrets to Surviving a Cancer Diagnosis comments on an online article
The short version (the 5 key points) is: Patients who deal with a cancer diagnosis in a positive manner tend to do five things: 1. Find the right team and a champion for you, and trust their recommendation. 2. If needed, get a second opinion. 3. Surround yourself with the people you love. 4. Focus on your life rather than the cancer or cancer treatment. 5. Try not to compare your story with your neighbors; your treatment and prognosis is tailored for you. I agree with this completely. I've avoided some people who are naysayers or overly positive. "Gee, you'll beat this" is not very useful, as far as I'm concerned. I want to acknowledge this severity of the fight. My opponent (my own body?) is deadly. Also, I'm uncomfortable with the "you're a cancer superhero" variation. I'm doing what I have to do. Sure, there are options, mainly ignore the problem and hope it will go away (hint: it won't). That's not my st...