The Chemo Diet

This diet is a slice of absurdity.  First my previous diet goals were eating healthy or losing weight.  Forget all of that.  Here are the points of my current diet (and why I eat at home most of the time.)

No restaurant vegs/fruits.  Don't know how well it has been washed.  At home I am to wash the bagged pre-washed salads. 

Wash fruits.  That makes sense with apples and other hard fruits where I normally eat the skin.  But washing a banana seems weird. (until you realize that you are handling the outside, then touching the inside with your hands. )

Well done.  Steak. Eggs. Meat.  Cook everything well.  For a medium rare lover, this is just sad.

No buffets.  People, lots of sick people.

Avoid crowds.  Okay, this is not restaurant suggestion, but it is.

Wear a mask.  I own some, haven't worn one in public.  yet. 

Add calories to your food.  Whipped cream on Jello.  Creamer in coffee.  Cooking with sour cream.  etc. Pats of butter to fatten me up.  It just seems to fly in the face of logic after years of trying to lose/maintain weight.

Why is this necessary?  First my immune system is weak.  Cook the food well to get rid of germs.  Avoid people to avoid colds/ infections.  Push the calories to keep the weight up.  My mother had a friend who got down to 86 pounds.  Now I can afford to lose some weight (I've already lost about 15 pounds.)  But I can see how it is hard to eat when food is so unappetizing.

My taste is partially back this week.  Previously, coffee smelled bad.  Now it smells good, but I'm not drinking it.  Food seems to be about 80%,  I think I will lose the taste again after the Taxotere.  I'm blaming it for everything.  When my taste was gone, I was exploring English Breakfast tea and Earl Grey.  I didn't like those teas before (I was a fruity tea lover).  So I'm' trying different things, which taste differently than they did. 

So that's what I'm eating... One day at a time.


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