Into the Hospital... Mon- Thurs last week of April
It was a Monday morning. I checked my appointments, seeing my oncologist, chemo was cancelled due to problems the previous week. I know I'm out of shape... too much fatigue, too little time upright. My heart was racing. I was hauling my knitting bag, with a couple books... okay, about 15 pounds of activities for the several hours I'd be at the infusion center.
I didn't eat breakfast, figured I'd grab some cheesy grits at the hospital cafeteria. So I went into the appointment, tired, frazzled and run down. Only it was more than that. The reason I was wheezing and tired was pneumonia.... and the heart racing worried the doctor ("Gee Doc, I'm just out of shape...")
So they called down to the Referral Center (what a nice name for Admissions). I hung out there... was poked, prodded, tested and my clothes were stored in my knitting bag. I wasn't getting enough oxygen (due to the pneumonia...)
Long story short, (too late) I was admitted, and spent the last four days of April in the hospital. Discharged on a couple new medications, including an anti-biotic for the UTI they found.
Now I feel fantastic. The lung issue and UTI were running me down. Even the Oncologist says I look great when I saw her the following Monday.
The nurses were fantastic. I got a new allergy. I was listed as a falls risk... quite a blow to my ego...(I'm not that old.... but I was that fragile during those days.)
I didn't eat breakfast, figured I'd grab some cheesy grits at the hospital cafeteria. So I went into the appointment, tired, frazzled and run down. Only it was more than that. The reason I was wheezing and tired was pneumonia.... and the heart racing worried the doctor ("Gee Doc, I'm just out of shape...")
So they called down to the Referral Center (what a nice name for Admissions). I hung out there... was poked, prodded, tested and my clothes were stored in my knitting bag. I wasn't getting enough oxygen (due to the pneumonia...)
Long story short, (too late) I was admitted, and spent the last four days of April in the hospital. Discharged on a couple new medications, including an anti-biotic for the UTI they found.
Now I feel fantastic. The lung issue and UTI were running me down. Even the Oncologist says I look great when I saw her the following Monday.
The nurses were fantastic. I got a new allergy. I was listed as a falls risk... quite a blow to my ego...(I'm not that old.... but I was that fragile during those days.)
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