Independence Day - 6 months after diagnosis

It's not exactly 6 months since I was diagnosed, just close. Since others are stopping and thinking about Freedom and Liberty, I'm thinking about the last 6 months.

What a wild ride it has been. So many quiet times. Who knew that I could spend an hour staring at a ceiling fan? My stamina is gone, my will power is gone. Sometimes I smile when I realize that I can eat anything I want... but I don't want to eat anything. Nothing tastes good.

I've become very grateful for this time to think, and sort through my life. I've started so many knitting projects and abandoned them. Some were just left in a knitting bag, pattern, needles and all. Others were never completed or pieced together. I found a pair of white socks that were 3/4 finished.. really all the hard parts were done. I'm half an inch from casting those off.

Some of the projects are lost causes. The pattern is lost, the project is the wrong size, etc. Those I've frogged (rip it, rip it) and will use the yarn for other purposes. Slowly, the knitting bags are emptying out, and I've got a manageable number of projects. Not to mention, a LARGE number of knitting needles.

So much has changed, and so much is still changing. The CT scan (not an MRI) which shows if the treatments have made progress (or not) is scheduled for the 10th.... and I'll be getting results on the 20th.

My three good things for July 4th:

1. My Mom is coming later this month for the CT scan results.
2. The CT scan is finally scheduled.
3. Quiet Independence Day for me.


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