Complication. I might be driving to Tampa tonight to get a couple stitches.

I've got a binder (basically a medical girdle) that my roommate scolds me for wearing. He relates it to how his ankle became weak after wearing combat boots for 20 years. I tried to frame it like a cast for a broken leg, needed for a time, then not.

I'm four weeks past surgery. I've got allergies, and a bit of a cold. Coughing hurts. Just now, I went into the bathroom to take a shower, and noted that my panties were damp in the front. Then I took them off. The topmost section of the surgical incision is open, barely open, maybe an eighth of an inch. So I added some gauze, put my binder on, and am waiting for roommate to get home.

This can't be good. But isn't bad... just ... awkward.

I've been weaning off the pain meds. So I took one. Just because. That's probably the wrong thing to do. But it made me feel better.

UPDATE: Roommate agrees that it is open. I'm also running a fever. We're going to call the oncologist in the morning. Until then, I'm keeping the binder on (which he thinks contributed to the opening.)

Action Plan for the depression: In the morning I'm doing Qi Gong at the Community Center (gently, very gently). I'll walk a bit further each day. I need to find my fitbit, charge it and upload it. Tonight I'm talking with a friend. Ah, and roommate brought home Chinese dinner. So I'll have leftovers for a couple days.

UPDATE: Saturday 12/12/2015
Well, that didn't work out the way I thought it would...

Didn't get ahold of the nurse until Friday afternoon. She couldn't get ahold of the MD, but she and I formulated a plan. I've got an appointment on Monday with the MD. If (fever, puss, larger opening, etc.) happens, call the MD on call at the hospital for further instructions. I've posted on FB to see if any local friends can give me ride to Moffitt (that's a serious commitment of time... at least 3 hours). If I can't find someone, roommate will call in sick at his work, and take me. (He may do that anyway, just to help the MD scold me for not healing well. )

I've become more sore, and more limited in movement. By now I hoped I'd be walking and building stamina. Too many setbacks. Too many frustrations. and pain... too much pain.

Sorry. It feels like I'm whining. Lots of pain, lots of frustration. I'm not even good company for myself right now.


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