So I started wondering..... how big is 8 cm?

Lately, my abdomen feels odd.... Now realize, I'm a 55 year old woman, I carried a child to full term. I've carried an extra 40 pounds for most of my adult life. I know what fat feels like... when I touch my stomach, the fat feels.... like dead meat. There's no feeling there.

Tomorrow is the needle biopsy of my liver, so I went to the website to re-read the instructions. As long as I was on the website, I figured I'd re-read the latest office visit note. That's where I read, " Large heterogeneous necrotic and enhancing mass in the R hepatic lobe (8 x 8 x 6cm), increased since prior CT but present on recent PET/CT." I should have paid better attention to metrics. My yard stick is old... errr.. antique --- no metric measurements. So I google it. (of course). Eight cm equals inches. Okay, not a great search... got some answers for how many cms in 8 inches. And then I found the answer.

Slightly over three inches. wait. Three inches. That report says I've got a 3+ inch by 3+ inch by a little smaller inches lesion. Damn.

And then I realize. Yep, it's big. It seems kinda huge right now. And tomorrow someone will be aiming at it. And a big target is easier to hit.

Good. Big. And then we'll have an idea of what kind of cancer/growth it is.

As I've been doing, I'm planning three outcomes (great, good and bad). Great is if this lesion is benign. Good is if it is leiomyosarcoma, and treatable (hello surgery?) Bad is.... well, so far I haven't had to deal with bad since that phone call in December, 2014... when my hysterectomy surgeon kept apologizing... for the original diagnosis.


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