2:40 a.m. and I can't sleep
Yesterday was a busy day. Touring the places we'll be staying at Christmas time. My mother and I visited with a friend who acted as a local tour guide. This holiday visit will be special for my mother. This will be the first time she's had her children together for her birthday since the 1980's. We will be going on a dinner cruise to celebrate. I'm feeling good. The chemo has burned off. I'm eating better since Mom is around. Each day, I'm trying to walk further and work on the paperwork I need to complete. There are many events to look forward to: My sci-fi convention next weekend. My cruise with my friend Judy. The December visit with my Mom and sister. The January visit with my high school friend. Treatment wise: Next week I start radiation to "sterilize" the area near the spine. The tumor was removed, but they couldn't get clean margins due to the location.... twined around the spinal cord. Ten radiation treatments, th...