The last several weeks have been busy. I wanted to post after I was certain of how things would turn out.

Last week was interesting. I had been in severe back pain for several months. I got a PET/CT scan, and sneaked a peak at the results. Back pain was due to new mass on vertebrae. I had worked with pain management and started taking Gabapentin/Neurontin, but started stumbling and falling. I fell completely to the floor three times, and started using a cane.

Last Monday, I went to see my oncologist to get the results. On the way into the hospital, I asked for a wheelchair...I realized I couldn't do the long halls and stay on my feet. After talking to me, hearing about the falls, and watching me walk, my oncologist pulled a neurologist into the room. They convinced me to be admitted. Their concern was the falls, which could cause damage to my spinal cord. I had lost about an inch of height due to the compression of my vertebrae.

The report from the scan: Liver tumor is significantly smaller, lung lesions are larger. No evidence of tumors in neck at lymph system. There's a shrinking tumor in my pelvis. The main priority is now a tumor which is located next to the spinal cord, and had compromised the vertebra. The Red Devil wasn't working, and so I skipped that last scheduled treatment.

Tuesday, I had an MRI. (my last ? since I now have hardware that I think prevents future MRIs.) Wednesday I had spinal surgery. Thursday I was watched for complications and Friday I was home. The pain after the surgery is much less than the pain before. The surgery was science-fiction amazing wonderful. I knew they could do things like this, but had no clue they would do it on me. Complete turn around in my attitude too.

I no longer feel like I am just surviving until I die; I have some more good times before the end comes. Apparently pain messes with my head more than with my body.

So the past few days have been filled with sleep and exercise. I'm working to build strength for a convention at the end of this month, and a cruise in November. Daily I'm walking with the walker, preventing falls, and eating to stay strong.

I'll know more after my appointment on Tuesday. Next stop Radiology.


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