CT Scan with Contrast today.

Cancer taught me to stop saving things for a special occasion. Every day is special. You don't have to get cancer to start living life to the fullest. My post-cancer philosophy? No wasted time. No ugly clothes. No boring movies.
I'm drinking coffee, no cream preparing for the test today.  Afterward, some typical errands. 
Yesterday I told an old friend.  I didn't mean to.  But after talking for quite a while, it slipped out.  Don't worry about me... yet I am worried about me.  Has it spread?  Rare and Aggressive... I've been coughing for about three months.  The flu, another cold... or ... well the test today will let me know. 
I'm working a game plan at the Superbetter.com website.  Chose my superhero name:  Julie the dragonslayer.  Subscribed to the LMS newsletter.  Stopped googling the sarcoma.  (I'm in a 12 step program, sober for 31 years) Starting to go to a new AA meeting.  So life goes on. 
I'll know more when these results come back.  Then we formulate a game plan.  I'll recruit people to help, and move forward. 


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