How rare?

So I've been chasing statistics.  It helps deal with the unanswered questions.  Today I found this quote: "
Uterine leiomyosarcoma (ULMS) is a rare type of uterine sarcoma—a cancerous tumor of the soft tissue of the uterus. According to the American Cancer Society, only about 1,600 out of 52,630 cases of uterine cancer will be uterine sarcomas (a). The National Cancer Institute indicates that uterine leiomyosarcoma makes up around 30% of all uterine sarcomas, which means around 480 women could be diagnosed with ULMS in 2014." from:  Leiomyosarcoma article from

Okay, I'm one of the 480 (projected figure) who were diagnosed with this in 2014. 

Moffitt has a wonderful patient portal.  I've been able to view the CT with contrast scan report from last Thursday.  My appointment with the oncologist is a week from Monday.  I see more testing in my future. 

Meanwhile, I picked up the disks from my previous CT scan with contrast and a previous transvaginal ultrasound.  Wonderful technology, I'll be dropping these off to Moffitt on Tuesday (Monday is a holiday)

Today I'm joining a gym, and starting to work out to build endurance.  This is how I'll keep on track-- and I need to improve my lung capacity and endurance. 


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