I'm unique. I've been beating the odds....

I've been beating the odds for most of my life.

I grew up poor on a farm, while my dad took college night classes.  He graduated when I was 8; the family moved to the big city when I was 9.

Poor rural, to Comfortable Suburban was a rough transition.  But I succeeded.  After graduating high school, I  worked for a year.  Then I went to college and got an A.S. in Business Management.  I beat the odds after dropping out of the educational system. 

After graduation, I got married, but divorced after 18 months.  (abusive relationship, I realized quickly, I needed to leave.)  I drank too much, got sober at age 23.  I've stayed sober since then.... 31 years last September.  During the first several years I was sober, some assumed I was just visiting the 12 step group.  "Aw, you're too young to be an alcoholic."  If I had listened to them, I would have drank.  My stubbornness paid off. 

At age 26, I had a child out of wedlock, raised her alone and with a boyfriend (who she considers her father). .  Survived the horrors of her biological father going to prison for three years.  When she entered first grade, I went back to college full time, graduating with a B.S. in Health Information Management.  I'm now a credentialed healthcare worker, with 25 years experience in inpatient and outpatient psychiatric settings.

There were times I considered drinking... but followed my first sponsor's advice.... "Put your pajamas on.... Don't get dressed to go out and buy booze. "

and how will I handle this cancer?  I've joined a gym.  I need to get in shape, improve my lung function.  I'll be going back to work in a couple weeks.  I need to build stamina, so I can fight this.  I'm working with the expiration meter from my hospital stay.  I've had a persistent cough for a couple months.  It might be related to the cancer.  (mets to the lungs?)  We'll see. 

I've seen the CT scan from Moffitt.  There are some suspicious areas in a lung and on the liver.  That might be the continuing cough and my Advil addiction.. (How did this start?  I got a new roommate... who realized that I was taking twice the normal dose of Advil... to control the pain of my arthritis and abdominal pain.  This roommate basically insisted that I get these problems checked out.)  A week from today I meet with the oncologist and review the CT scan.  I've picked up the previous scans... for comparison. 

Sorry for the ramble.  I'm wonderful and unique.... just like the rest of you. 

This cancer.... rare and aggressive.  But I've been beating the odds... and will continue to.


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