I got trolled....

A few days ago I let myself be dragged into the fringes off the political debate.  I thought I was being neutral (basically pointing out that I'm tired of the name calling, and that I felt it was third grade playground tactics). 

I let some stranger on the Internet push my buttons.  After writing several posts, and deleting them, I stopped, changed into pajamas and went to bed.

Those flamewars are never won.  And retreat is the best option.


  1. I've been thinking lately that social media is causing a lack of diversity all over the country. You no longer need to be polite and listen to other peoples opinions. Now you can just make fun of them and argue with them online. You can choose to be friends only with those who agree with your opinions. I think that's why we are seeing so much political, religious and racial polarity now. Just my opinion...


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