My life outside LMS

While this blog focuses on the LMS, remember I've got a life outside LMS. 

I am:
a knitter, currently working on a baby blanket for a co-worker.
a mother of an adult daughter.
a mother-in-law to a man who adores my daughter (and vice versa).
an employee of a hospital.
a trained professional.
addicted to the Internet.
JulieIndiana on Kingdom of Loathing.
a member of several message boards.
A Doctor Who fan (Matt Smith-- because your next question will be "Who is your favorite Doctor?")
from Indiana (moved to Florida in 2008)
owned by two cats.
loved by many.

This disease isn't me.  When I'm talking with friends, the conversation is about the weather, latest news, common friends, etc.  It's not (always) about the disease.


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