The beginning...

ready for a new challenge?  What a roller coaster....

After several episodes of severe pain, my gynecologist and I decided to remove my uterus.  The original diagnosis was fibroid tumors, which are painful and annoying but benign.  The Internet headline after I scheduled the surgery?  "10 most unnecessary surgeries"--- and hysterectomy was #1.

The Monday after surgery, the pathology report came back, and my surgeon called to discuss the results.  I have leiomyosarcoma in the removed uterus.  Nothing moves quickly in this kind of situation.  Two weeks after surgery, I met with my surgeon, (the wound is healing well).  Three weeks after surgery, I'll be meeting with a specialist. 

I've spent two weeks researching the diagnosis.  There's good news (it was contained).  There's bad news "LMS is a rare and aggressive cancer."  Tomorrow I meet with the specialist.  We'll run tests, then formulate a plan.  From there, who knows?  So many questions.

I'm working on the definites... what I can do now, to prepare for the future, regardless of what that future holds.  I've carried some boxes of stuff for several years.  It's time to let go of those.  I'm getting rid of some of my deceased father's papers. 


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