Will you go with me to chemotherapy?

The chemotherapy was very peculiar, something that makes you feel much worse than the cancer itself, a very nasty thing. I used to go to treatment on my own, and nearly everybody else was with somebody. I wouldn't have liked that. Why would you want to make anybody sit in those places?

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/maggiesmit415746.html#iLb0Hz4bGfLuRFrl.99

1/12/2015 Nothing is scheduled yet.  But the first conversation with the oncologist makes this a real possibility.  I've made a list of people who might be good company for this.  I plan on doing this alone for as long as I can.  I live near the hospital, -- literally within walking distance. 

Despite agreeing with Maggie Smith, I understand why having family and friends around is important. Someone is watching you... who knows you.  They call for help when needed.  They can distract from the waiting times, the cold food, the discomforts of hospital life.

Next Monday, chemo starts.  I've met with the nurse, gotten the do's and don't's for the next 5-6 months.   I've been eating healthy, but some of the rules seem odd until I heard the rationale.  Eat washed fresh fruit... but avoid strawberries, raspberries and other seedy, and hard to wash items.  Don't eat fruit in restaurants... impaired immune system, fruits handled and cut by many people.  I'll even be skipping lemon in my tea.  Drink lots of water..

 For any of my local friends, if you want to go, let me know.  I'm planning on doing it alone for the first few treatments.  Based on my age and health, the oncologist says the first 2 rounds will be relatively easy.  She sees the 3rd and 4th rounds "wearing" on patients, with fatigue and side effects.  She didn't mention how the 5th and 6th rounds would be...I'm assuming it is different for each person. 

I asked my neighbor to go with me to the PET Scan, she ended up in a waiting room the whole time.  So I'm going to "scout out" the chemo.  If she, or anyone else, is willing to drop me off/pick me up, it might work better than having to be there the whole time.  If it gets bad, I may get a taxi. (remember I'm only about 2 miles from the hospital.)  If the appointments are late enough in the day, I can work in the morning, go to the appointment, and then have my roommate pick me up. 

So it is really starting.  I'm having dinner with friends on Saturday, will let my Doctor Who fan friends know.  I tell Mom on Sunday morning. I talked to my daughter and updated her.  She's had a friend whose mother went through chemo. 

Big picture:  I'm going to have a friend take photos of me now... and will update as time goes on. 



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