Bucket List

You know, I hadn't heard this phrase until the movie... still haven't watched the movie.

Here's a list of what I want to do... some have been planned for a long time, others not. Some may happen, some may not. We'll see. I've got 6 months of chemo...so I want to make sure I've got things to do when I'm done.

Big things:
a cruise. Never have done one. I've got a friend who knows the ropes and will let me tag along.
There's a shawl/stole that is in knitting book. Mom bought me the book, yarn and circular needles. It takes a great deal of focus.. (charted pattern).
I think I want to own a TV... attached to the wall (the last several years I've owned TVs, but they weren't plugged in--- functioned as really ugly end table.)... Just to see what other people see. (and an Internet connection... I just can't get excited about doing the cable bill again..)

Little things:
Watch some of the movies I missed from the 1990's when I was a poor single mother going to college. The Big Lebowski is the first on the list.
Watch all the Torchwood episodes, All the Doctor Who episodes.
My friend Judy loaned me the first of the Hunger Games trilogy.
Florida State Fair (not this year... )
Bay Area Renaissance Fair (opens this month... It's nearby... I can make this work.)

Reading things:
Stephen King novels... I picked up Christine recently. I'd like to try 1963.

Accomplished things:
I now own the newest car I've ever owned. Less than a year old when I got it.
Opened a new hospital with an amazing crew.
Fell in love, fell out of love, again and again and again.
My amazing daughter-- I don't get credit for all of her.. but I'm grateful for how wonderful she is--- thanks to the rest of the world.
Sobriety... since 1983.


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