Dream Team....

Here's a list of my dream team members and their functions:

Leo, my personal trainer.  I always needed a personal trainer for accountability.  I joined YouFit at the suggestion of a friend, who also recommended Leo who has experience with rehabilitation after surgery.  I started off seeing him twice a week.  Now i'm seeing him once/week.  He keeps me honest and on track. 

Sharon R.  my friend and dietitian.  I haven't used Sharon's professional skills formally yet.  But I'm getting friendship and support.

Kris, a massage therapist.  My latest addition.  I've known her as a writer and will be using her skilled hands to keep my body limber and relaxed.  Looking forward to the first massage at her new employer. 

Sharon, my organizer.  I have lived in this condo for a year. Moved the roommate in after 4 months here, and the place looked like a storage unit.  Never had time to fix the big problems, didn't get help from him to fix the smaller problems.  Pulled Sharon T. in for 4 hours, BAM.  My condo is now my home.  Little things, like hanging pictures, big things.. like rearranging the furniture and decluttering.  If/when we move (this place really IS too small for both of us), then I'll have Sharon T. back to declutter before heading to the new place.  No reason to pack, unpack and THEN throw away.

Roommate.  He's mostly anonymous.  Great guy, working full time, going to university full time, and a delightful witty conversationalist.  

Ex-boyfriend.  We were together for 16 years (or 20 depending on who you ask).  Haven't dated since 2010.  Kinda like a friendly ex-husband. 

Daughter in Indiana.  We're going to be doing text chats while I'm doing the next infusion.  With the distance, sometimes we miss out on the close mother/daughter relationship others have.  I'm hoping this is a time to get closer.

The medical professionals:
Dr. Chon, my oncologist.  Cool, calm and ready to deal with this illness.

The infusion team.  Great people.  I remember now why I love nurses.  Such a great group at Moffitt Cancer Center Infusion


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