First day of chemo, clearance to go back to work from Surgeon.

Busy day.  I started with an appointment with my surgeon.  Updated her on the diagnosis.  I'm cleared to go back to work, and the oncologist will supervise my care from now on. 

Dropped off the rent check, hit Sonic for some cherry limeade and a foot long hot dog (half price for Groundhog's Day).  Then to Publix to pick up the anti-nausea meds.

My original plan was revised several times... Go to work? no..  Go to gym? no.  Ended up taking a nap.

This is my first infusion, so I was reading everything so I knew what to do.  The infusion center is an interesting place.  Since patients are "regulars" the staff knows them.  One patient was coughing and spitting into a cup, the orderly quickly got a box of Kleenex for him.  Simple, but thoughtful. 

The nurse had problems with my veins... the third stick worked.  Since this has happened before... we talked about a port or a PICC line.  Easier for them, less painful for me. 

During my treatment there was a commotion in the hallway, and a brass bell rang.  Nurses gathered around and congratulated a patient.  Probably someone who was "graduating."  What a glorious send off!!

Today I feel a bit off... like I'm getting a cold... mild headache, aches elsewhere.  Welcome to the next six months. 

I return to work today. 


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