The advantages of Chemo. (humor... NSFW)

The positives of chemo.

I don't have to shave for six months... I don't have to shave ANYWHERE. I get a free Brazilian wax, without the pain, without the cost. 

I have dedicated knitting time during infusions.

Weight loss (and fortunately, I've got 45# to lose)

Meeting new people.-- like the lovely lady in the next infusion chair yesterday.

Find out that I know a lot of amazing wonderful people.... who've been through cancer, survived it and are willing to help with information and time.

Time to try a Mohawk hairstyle--- with pink and purple highlights.

I can text chat with my daughter during infusions...

Suddenly a personal trainer seems like a necessity, not a luxury.  He's holding me accountable for working out 3 times a week. (well, he thinks 4, but I generally just hit 3 and include his as the 4th.)

Focus on what I really want instead of what others want.

I'll keep adding to this..


  1. Doing three and counting the workout with the trainer as the fourth is perfectly legitimate, IMHO.

  2. that's legit, but today is Monday and I haven't done anything at the gym since I met with the trainer on Wednesday. No excuses. just didn't do it. (sorry Nike)


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