Cycle 2, last day Good day

Glorious day. Went to Cracker Barrel with my roommate. The food still tastes like sand, and he was rather tired, he was sick yesterday. When we got home he admitted he was exhausted and went back to bed.

Welcome to my world. My body seems stuck on 65% as a good day. Other days are 30%. That's when I stay home from work. I finally got that basket of laundry from last weekend folded and put away. I've caught up the current laundry, because I've got energy today... and don't know about tomorrow.

Monday is appointment day. Labs at 8, Oncologist at 8:45, Dermatologist at 10:30, Home Health consult at noon, Infusion at 3:00. My hands are much better... though bleed between the thumb and first finger. I'm using Triple Antibiotic Ointment on the bleeding spots, and Baby Eczema lotion for the other red spots. If I grease myself several times a day, it improves. NOW, the big question is... Is it improving because I've got less chemo in my body? (today is the farthest from the Gemcitabine dose). Or am I improving because the ointments are helping?

I'll find out next week.

Meanwhile I'm grateful for so many thing... my health insurance, my employer, my friends--- Two of whom made hats for me....


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