Who I am... none of this has changed since I've discovered I have cancer.

who I am....

I'm a 54 year old woman who lives in Tampa, Florida.
I've been reading science fiction since I was 13.

I've been sober since I was 23.

I have an adult daughter who lives in Indiana. She's married, and has an adorable husband, cat and dog.

I knit because I enjoy knitting.... and rarely wear the items I knit.

When I first moved to Florida, I was broke and consulting. During that winter, I spent 4 months in Key West on an assignment. It was glorious.

I went back to college when I was 34, and got my Bachelor's in Health Information Management at age 39. I have a credential of RHIA. (Registered Health Information Administrator). I am currently unemployed due to my illness.

My love life has been non-traditional. I was married at 21, divorced at 23. Since then I've had several 5 to 16 year relationships.

I grew up in a suburb of Indianapolis, and moved to Florida when I was 48. Prior to that I had never lived outside Indiana.

Cancer has taken my job, and my energy... but it has not taken who I am.


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