
Some background about me. In January, 2006 my sister died, and I was helping my father discard/donate/sort her belongings when he died in May, 2006. Both were packrats. I proceeded to give away to basically anyone who would take, their belongings. Dad was a generous man.... he would have enjoyed the (uninstalled) dishwasher going to his neighbor with 5 kids. Or the Tonka toys being given to each of the kids that helped. At one point I had a list: tools, toolboxes, cars, etc. My father's two bedroom/ one bath house packed to the brim, and my sister's one bed/one bath --with full basement house packed with romance novels and scrapbooking supplies.

At my father's the upstairs was a pleasant surprise, a neighbor needed some spare cash, and Dad hired her to organize/ cleanout the second bedroom. Another shock was the freezer in the basement. He had bought it less than two months before, and it was filled with seafood. Myra, a friend since college, was around when I found that. I wasn't thrilled. Fortunately, the frozen seafood went to neighbors, along with the souvenir wine from his travels. Myra ended up with the freezer and still uses it.

So I'm used to getting rid of things...finding them a good home. After clearing out two houses in 2006, I think of myself as a caretaker, not necessarily an owner. Belongings come and go. I've pared down furniture several times in my life, starting fresh in a new place.

I'm doing the same with my own belongings now. Yesterday at Target I bought plastic tubs for my Pfalzgraff Heritage dishes. My friend Judy has the same dishes. My original plan was to give her all the accessories: salt & pepper shakers, fancy coffee mugs, serving pieces, cheese ball server, margarine bowl holder, etc. The common pieces, plates, coffee cups and saucers, have been stored, not being used. I like using the luncheon size plate (about 6 inches)-- and am keeping a small stack of them. (at one point I owned 35 of them-- they were 15 cents each at a local Goodwill).

Many of these piece were picked up at thrift stores over the years. One advantage of these dishes is that they are easy to spot in a stack of random plates at a thrift store.

I'm washing the dishes now, so I can pack them and send them to my friend. I'm packing the common pieces in one bin, the less common in another. Some I know she already has (I've eaten off them at her home). The accessories are more interesting. I'm hoping she's at least surprised by some of the bits and bobs I've accumulated. I've scrubbed the metallic knife marks off the plates. I smile knowing that they are going to a friend, and will have a good home.

This set has pedestal mugs. I lusted after those mugs for ages. They were ridiculously expensive for a set of two. When I finally caught them on sale (at the same time I had extra money), I got them. They were okay, didn't hold much coffee... one was poorly sealed in one of the interior corners. But I still remembered how much I wanted them. Then my daughter's father broke the bottom,...his version of the story is that he chipped it and can't understand why I made such a big deal..... I contend that a one inch chunk out of the bottom of a cup isn't a chip. Typical of our communication at the time. I hung onto that mug and resentment for another 6 years. When I moved to Florida, I finally threw it away. I'd not used it since he broke it.

Ramona Malone is the reason I have these dishes. I dated her son for several years, but was never inclined to marry.... She and I were shopping and I admired the dishes...noted that IF I ever got married, these are the dishes I wanted. She looked at me, I remember the words, "Do it. Get them now. Don't wait for later. Get them and enjoy them now." It started with two sets on sale at Kohl's. Eventually, I found them in thrift stores, garage sales, etc. I'm so grateful she said that. At the time it was a bit annoying... as if she thought I'd never get married again. (which, well, I didn't... )

So that's the story of my dishes... end, middle, and beginning. They've brought me joy, and now will bring my friend joy. They represented stability and "normal." I can't keep everything. There is a real possibility I'll be moving in the next year. So I don't need to worry about breaking these, or the fact that they've not been used for a couple years.

Future happiness to my friend, and my dishes. I love you both dearly... as a person and as possessions, respectively. Thank you for allowing me to play matchmaker.


  1. Thank you for the story of the dishes. I think the piece I found the most surprising was the glass covered (cheese server?)


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