Falls Risk -- New habits keep me safe.--- and annoy me.

When I was in the hospital, I had a bad reaction to a medication. I was labelled a "fall risk." In nursing terms that means the medication, the balance, the age, the... whatever other factors... mean that I'm likely to stumble, trip or just randomly end up on my face or behind.

This has happened twice... The cat tripped me at home... but now I'm careful. I keep the walkways clearer at home. I put socks/ shoes, underwear on when I am sitting on the side of the bed. When I get up in the middle of the night (all of you post-pregnancy women know what I mean) I sit up carefully, look around, carefully feel with my feet, before putting them down.

I don't want to end up on the floor. I especially don't want to end up on the floor when someone is around. (I'd never hear the end of it...) or when no one is around (who is going to help me up?) So I'm careful. I used to bounce out of bed. I'm one of those annoying morning people.

Now I lay, think about the day, focus on where my body is... and where I want it to be.

Yep, nothing is simple anymore. But at least I'm not laying on the ground, hoping my roommate gets home soon.

I remember the first time I saw these socks, I thought the patient was wearing them upside down. Rather, it's rather practical to put the gripping rubber on top and bottom...

Yep, there's even a sign for the door. Embarassing for me.. but I didn't fall after they flagged me, the room, the bed and the chart. And now they've taught me well, and I think carefully before getting up.

And this is the lovely bracelet that keeps patients safe, if they at a risk of falls in the hospital. You don't need to fall to get one.


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