CT Scan, w/o contrast today

Nice quiet day yesterday, got yarn for a couple baby blankets, started one.

But the big news is that today is my CT Scan. I've been waiting for this since January.... Now I find out what is happening inside my body. How's that liver doing? Thinking happy thoughts, does it work? We'll see soon.

I also made arrangements to meet friends for lunch on Saturday, so I can give Judy the Pfalzgraff Heritage dishes and accessories. Just need to nail down a time and location. This will be an introduction of my roommate to my friends, so I'm excited to see different areas of my life coming together.

Mom comes the following weekend, and results from my CT Scan today will be discussed with Mom, Roommate and Oncologist on Monday, the 20th. Following the usual chemo therapy, I'd have chemo that day, but none is scheduled, I assume because we're waiting for the results. Maybe more, maybe different, maybe no more.... All the questions will be answered soon. Okay, that's not realistic, I know that. There will be more questions. Just like life, this journey will twist and turn and find new questions after answers are known.

3 Good Things:

1. After 7 months of treatment, today is the start of answers...(CT Scan at 2:10, Results on 7/20).--- Is the treatment working?

2. Quiet morning with a newly started baby blanket. Challenging pattern at the beginning, boring in a few more rounds.

3. Mango yogurt tastes good this morning with my tea.


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