Maybe I've already talked about this... 3 possible futures.

For the past 7 months, I've been living with three futures.

Until we know how effective the chemotherapy is, my future might be:
A. NED (No Evidence of Disease)
B. Liver Tumor reduced, but not eliminated, more treatment (chemo, radiation, surgery) necessary.
C. Nothing worked, call Hospice.

I assume there are other options, but I only need to process three general futures at a time.

I've got running lists for each of these. Some overlap (Do short term disability paperwork, apply for disability, write out a will, decide who gets what, and when.) Ultimately, I just need to know if I'll be around for 6 months or 6 years or 16 years. (How much yarn do I need so I don't run out while my hands need to knit...)

Here are some of the plans on hold:
Where do I live? The current condo is perfect for who I was a year ago. I need a less expensive home, but don't want to move far from Moffitt, if B is the outcome. If A, move to cheaper place, and enjoy. If C, might as well stay here, no energy, reason to move.

What about my belongings? If A, I can keep it all and just go on. If B, might as well purge a bit, but only the unnecessary. If C, make lists, send items away quickly.

What about my family heirlooms? If A, hang on. If B or C, move to ex-boyfriend's house, and wait for daughter to pick up.

As a comedian said about dying (maybe George Burns?) I don't buy green bananas. Maybe I'll be able to get unripe fruit soon.


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