Quiet Sunday, Chemo tomorrow.

Tomorrow is my last day of chemo. This takes me through the original six cycles that were needed. Dr. Chon and I have discussed (theoretically) another two rounds. That depends on what the results of the CT scan is. The scan is next Friday, July 10th; Results on the 20th.

At Moffitt, when a patient completes chemo, they ring a bell as they leave. Rather fun, I've been in the waiting room many times when the bell was rung.... the response is a round of applause. Probably better than a standing ovation... because the patient knows each person applauding knows the time and patience that has gone into ringing that bell.

I'm not sure if I'm going to ring the bell tomorrow.... Is it bad luck to prematurely ring it?

1. Sunday = new Postsecret.com post.
2. Going to hang out at the pool this afternoon.
3. Finishing a pair of socks that I've been knitting for 3 years (not continuously, these got lost in the bottom of a knitting bag for several years.) Actually, I've been finishing (and ripping out) several long term knitting projects.


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