New Home.... unpacking, cleaning the old place, etc.

So I'm in the new place. Boxes everywhere. I'll be doing final touches cleaning the old place, and bringing the cat over here. Right now.... I've got a porch filled with boxes. Need to figure out how to arrange the bedroom... larger than the last, so I'm pulling my favorite pieces into it...

I'm debating putting bookcases in the bedroom... They get dusty, and I don't think about dusting them until I move. Maybe set up a monthly reminder? A lot of dust was behind the books... Do you remove the books to dust? or just dust what you see? I currently have bronchitis... maybe from all the dust being stirred up. When handling one piece of furniture, I saw dust on a small ledge at the back of a drawer... Realized that dust could be from before I was born. Seems dramatic? This is a buffet (that's what it's been called in the family...) that was given to my family when I was born... so Mom would have a place to put my baby clothes. It wasn't really appropriate for that task, but I didn't stay small.

It has been moved nine times in the past 55 years. Now it will be in my bedroom. Generally it is in the living room... but there's not much space there.

The home I bought is completely furnished. So currently I have 3 dining room tables. (gave 1 away, or I would have had 4). Three sofas (one goes away today), Three Queen size mattresses (one went away yesterday..) So many kitchen items, I'll be giving away, or selling at the local flea market. (or online..)

Meanwhile, boxes everywhere, still need to clean the old condo. --- and move the cat here.


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