Travel Report... Tampa to Indianapolis and back.

Visiting Indiana…aka home.
I drove from Tampa to Indiana in two days. I spent the night in Georgia, just north of Atlanta. I didn’t drive for 2 months earlier this year. My concentration wasn’t good enough to drive… I didn’t want to get into an accident. Earlier, I had gotten lost a couple times. Several friends gather for a craft group once a month. Afterwards, I got lost while driving to a local restaurant--- two months in a row.
So it is a major accomplishment to drive 14 hours to Indiana. This was also good timing to attend the mini-reunion. The friend where I’m spending the first night is having a rough time, so it will be good to talk… a long time about everything that is going on in her life (and mine…)

I’ve driven past (and not stopped!!)) two yarn shops. One was closed, the other … well, I didn’t have time to play around, I needed to keep going. I really don’t need yarn. I just moved wayyyy more yarn than I can use.
Several times I was reminded how fortunate I am. Classmates have health problems, mobility problems, and I’m grateful that I’m able to get around as well as I can even with the pain. At least Advil takes the edge off the pain.
Mini-reunion… made the spinach dip, brought divinity and sugar coated pecans from Georgia. Lots of people. I got a chance to see a lot of high school friends.. Discussion about feeling inadequate…. Each of us felt awkward… felt different…. Due to family (my family was poor in a wealthy neighborhood… ) or circumstances (someone who was adopted, or parents divorcing). Each of us was worried about what others thought… and years later realized that it didn’t matter.

Lessons from Indiana… Eyebrows can be drawn in… and really make the face look better… esp. since I don’t have eyelashes. Everyone felt awkward in high school. I am loved, and forget sometimes how much I love those around me.

Yarn shop in Muncie, Indiana was delightful. I went to a sit and knit… Doctor Who discussion… as well as pat the bunny.


On the plane seatmate was reading Hoosier Public Enemy: A life of John Dillinger. I remember meeting his niece at church… She was an interesting older woman, who had fond memories of her uncle…. Who visited several times at night… and brought her special treats. She didn’t believe that he was buried in Crown Hill Cemetery… but that could be because she was very young,, and therefore being protected from the sad truth by her family, or she misremembered it. Maybe she was making him a hero to us, just as he had been a hero to her childhood.

The new Indianapolis International Airport is large… so I asked for a wheelchair. I was juggling my carry on, my computer, and etc…. and managed to leave Susan’s Farrah Fawcett wig at the security checkpoint. After I was at the gate, an overhead announcement asked that the “Passenger who left a manaquin head at security come back for it.” So I grabbed a wheelchair, and someone to push it, and went back to security… Where the TSA agent was glad that I recognized what they meant…. And noted that saying, “will the passenger who left a head in a box please return to security…” could have caused problems.

We got back in time to get on the plane. I won’t need a wheelchair in Tampa. There’s no hard deadline for me (like getting to an airport gate). I can take my time.. and there’s less walking. I’m looking forward to going home…. Time to finish unpacking, and enjoy the new home. I’ll have a bookcase in my bedroom, and the buffet with family


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