Living in a 55+ Mobile Home Park

You know that feeling that drivers are too young to drive? Or MDs look too young to actually be MDs? Apparently that is the feeling some park residents have about me.... "Are you visiting?" And just like those young drivers, I feel like saying, "Hey, I'm old enough to do this..." and having heard someone say that--- I know what the response will be.... (not aloud, but still thought...) You might look old enough, but do you have enough experience to do that correctly?

I love hearing my neighbors' stories... grown children, grown grandchildren, second marriages, travels around the world. I live vicariously by hearing about their lives.

And ironically, I look at some of the 80 year old women power walking around the complex, and I'm jealous. I'm pulling every bit of joy out of these next few days. After surgery, I'll be tired, sleeping and sore. And maybe in 25 years, after beating this leiomyosarcoma, I'll be the 80- something power walking.

This morning I met a 95 year old man, who was weeding his front flower beds. I won't admit that my flower beds need weeding... badly.. and I'm 40 years younger than him.. Starting to feel like a slacker.


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