You look good.

You look good. I love hearing others say this. I'm three weeks past surgery, feel sore, creaky, achy. Then someone sees me and says I look good.

They're right, and wrong. My hair is growing back out. My color is better. The first few steps are usually sore and painful, but after that, I can move well.

Today I see the oncologist. I'm hoping she removes the drain (Jackson-Pratt draining from my lower abdomen). Not sure if I'm doing it right. The pamphlet says to "milk" the drain three times a day for the first three days. I didn't realize I was supposed to stop, so I didn't. I'm still getting drainage.

I spiked a fever over the weekend, but it is back to normal now. I should have called, but didn't. I'm kinda feeling like a bad patient. Not reading or following all the directions well.

But I look good. For the appointment today, I'm drawing in eyebrows and wearing lipstick. My clothing is simple, but I've got an amazing sweater and shawl.

I've been getting things done. On Facebook recently I asked for addresses so I can send out Christmas cards. I found a great deal on cards, and have started addressing them. Fortunately, I've got stamps left over from last Christmas. At the appointment today, I'll be asking if I can start walking again (three + miles, three days a week at the community center.) That will help me build the endurance I need.

Here's the scary part of the appointment. I'll find out the pathology results, and if they got all the cancer. I'll ask that the PET scan be scheduled after the beginning of the year. I'm switching to a different plan from the same insurance company (Moffit is an out of network provider under my current plan. I didn't realize.) There's also the possibility that I'll need more chemo, or radiation or hormone therapy. That's what makes life interesting.. new treatments, new challenges.

Soon I'll be able to drive again. I'm thinking about making jewelry again to sell... just to get a little extra money. I'm still worried that the disability alone will not be enough... so if I can sell the treadmill, and random books, hopefully, I can get a few extra dollars. I know I need to be careful with that. At one point, I was selling items from my father and sister's estates.... and ended up losing money... due to eBay and PayPal fees as well as shipping... they pus for free shipping, which is great.. but.... the seller still needs to pay it. The starting price has to be carefully considered.

Meanwhile, I look good. I feel good (except for an occasional twinge.) It's going to be a beautiful day.


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