3 good things for the new year.

1. Knitting group today. Last week I was the only one who showed up, probably due to the holiday. But I got a lot of knitting done, and had some good hot cocoa.
2. Made progress sorting yarn and clothing. Three boxes gone.
3. I'm getting cable tv... I know... everyone else in the world has it... but they're finally running a really good special. This means I'll need to plug the TV into the wall....

No, none of these good things are about cancer.. because right now... cancer is a small part of my life. (and the grumbly part of it is that I can't swim in the heated pool because of that pesky non-healing wound...NOT a good thing. .. okay, a slowly healing good thing. I guess i'm supposed to learn patience. I've not lived someplace with a heated pool before.. So I've not swum in January before..so I'm not able to do something I've never done... )


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