First day back at walking class

One advantage of where I live is the many activities. Three days a week, there is an 8:00 walking class... which follows a video and walks (in place in an air-conditioned room) three miles. I've got a fitbit, which helps remind me that I need to move more. Some days, I walk so little that the most I walked in 15 minutes was under 100 steps.

Meanwhile, I called the Moffitt today about the non-healing wound. It's been three weeks, it doesn't seem to be making progress. I've got an appointment with the nurse practitioner on Monday. After hitting several drug stores, I found the gauze that I need for the wet-to-dry dressing, and got more tape. I like this tape, not as sticky, so it (hopefully) will be easier on my skin.

I'm writing this blog for myself, as well as others who have uLMS (or LMS in general). I want to remember the challenges, how it was. It's getting better. Tomorrow I'm doing Qi Gong. With the new year, I'm making some minor changes. Vitamins and exercise every day.

Recently it dawned on me that I've passed the one year mark. The survival rate is 14% at 5 years. My mother got me a two year calendar for Christmas. Currently, I'm tumor free... It's possible I'll make it to 2020.


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