Friend visiting tomorrow... today I'm cleaning..

Today I hit the high points, consolidating some boxes, wiping down the dirty bits, and generally straightening up.

My goal: By the end of the day, I want two filled trashbags, a sparkling kitchen, and clean floors.

And there's a paper list, to keep me on task.

The walking is helping keep my heartrate down... when I was debilitated last April, my heart rate was racing, with very little effort. I've moved the treadmill onto the porch, so I can walk a couple miles, a couple times a day. -- In theory. So far I've not even touched the treadmill.

My three good things for today:
Quiet two hours on the computer, nice, slow start to the day.
Made a list so I stay on track today.
Walking with friends 3 miles this morning..
Soft, relaxing rain. Seems appropriate. Today is the funeral of my roommate's aunt. She died of cancer, after many years of fighting and remission. Whenever he tells me I've got a long future ahead, he's referring to her and his sister's fights. I never met her, but she's been an inspiration for the past year.


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