PET Scan on Tuesday.

Okay, it is over now. I was worried about the scheduling and transportation of this test.

Long story short.
Everything ran late. But it was okay.

The MRI/PET. Generally they don't bother me. This time my arms were raised over my head in a strange position, maybe they were just tired. I don't know. My arms started cramping, I tried shifting my hands, and other minor changes. Eventually, I started thinking knit, knit, knit, purl, purl, purl. That's the pattern I'm currently using for a scarf. I am not bothered by claustrophobia, so the MRI isn't too bad.

I spent hours waiting. I kept thinking about how patient I am. With my knitting or a magazine, I can wait for hours. And I have. A large part of cancer is managing patience. My doctor is very busy. Since I've worked in doctor's offices (though not in oncology) I know that some "short simple" appointments turn out to be long complicated appointments. With oncology I imagine it is worse. You step into an exam room to give results. Good results are quick and easy. Positive results are longer, with discussion of treatment options and ancillary services. ts


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