knitting and cancer and doctor appointments

I was diagnosed with Uterine Leiomyosarcoma in December, 2014. The past year has been a blur, Chemotherapy, 3 hospitalizations, a port installed, etc.

Knitting helps me wait. Yesterday I had a CT scan done. I started a new therapy (AI, hormone inhibition therapy) about 3 weeks ago. The CT scan is to see if it is working.

Normally, I get the scan, and the next day get the results. This time I get to wait a week. Realize that the best outcome is that the tumors are not getting bigger. They'll still be there.

So I'm waiting, and knitting. I've been trying different patterns for baby booties. It just seems like a good, life affirming thing to do. I'm also cleaning, organizing my home, and doing paperwork. I'm trying to find lots of ways to kill time.

I got the results the following Monday, Tumors still present. The new treatment is too new to know if it is working, so this scan was a baseline scan. I'll know more in two months.


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