Waiting for today's appointment.

I had a CT/PET scan last week. This will show if the hormone inhibitor therapy is working. Today I get results.

When I need to wait, I fill my time. Otherwise, I start thinking, and wondering, and worrying.

I've gotten a lot of knitting done, I've taken care of a neighbor's cats. I've gathered lots for the rummage sale. Later today, I'll have results, and I'll add to and publish this post. You won't have to wait.

Later that same day....

Well, the new therapy isn't killing the cancer effectively. The liver lesion is getting bigger; there are more lung lesions that there were. The lymph nodes in my neck are lighting up. Damn. My oncologist is presenting the case to the tumor board next Monday.... They may recommend chemotherapy (Doxytocin sp?) a single med, every three or four weeks. Another option is to stay on the hormone inhibition therapy, if it is slowing the growth, just not stopping it as we had hoped.

I'm off to do research. (There's no reason to trim my hair if it is going to fall out again....)--I'm not sure if that is a joke or not. I'll decide when I see if I lose my hair again.... or if I'm likely to lose my hair...

After doing some research.... I'm not going to trim my hair.


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