Liver Needle Biopsy Report Results
The waiting is over. Yesterday the nurse called with the results. The Liver mass is LMS and an appointment was scheduled. That's where I'm sitting now. I'm knitting, to relax and to pass the time.
Soon I'll know. I'll call Mom, my daughter, my friends, my roommate.
I hope this will be a short appointment. The kidney/back pain needs an RX or permission for me to keep taking Advil (or generic). The next step for treatment is Chemo. Doxyrubicin aka the Red Devil. I can only have 6 doses in a lifetime. First step is a cardiac ultrasound to measure Left Ventricle Ejection Fraction. (That is, how efficiently my heart is moving blood out of the Left Ventricle.) One side effect of this medication is sudden death due to heart attack, due to damage to the left ventricle. So they want a health LV to start, or (I suppose) they would find another treatment option.
(10/13/2016 I wrote this while waiting for the oncologist appointment. Just found this in a notebook and added it here on the blog.)
Soon I'll know. I'll call Mom, my daughter, my friends, my roommate.
I hope this will be a short appointment. The kidney/back pain needs an RX or permission for me to keep taking Advil (or generic). The next step for treatment is Chemo. Doxyrubicin aka the Red Devil. I can only have 6 doses in a lifetime. First step is a cardiac ultrasound to measure Left Ventricle Ejection Fraction. (That is, how efficiently my heart is moving blood out of the Left Ventricle.) One side effect of this medication is sudden death due to heart attack, due to damage to the left ventricle. So they want a health LV to start, or (I suppose) they would find another treatment option.
(10/13/2016 I wrote this while waiting for the oncologist appointment. Just found this in a notebook and added it here on the blog.)
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