Status report, end of May, 2016 Starting Chemotherapy again Doxirubicin

Tomorrow morning, I start with Doxirubicin infusion. I'll be getting it every three weeks. The oncologist didn't mention how long I'd be on this. This medication has much research, since it started out with breast cancer. There are now more effective treatments for breast cancer, just as there will be more effective treatments for LMS in the future. I'll be losing my hair. (so I saved some money by not trimming my hair. )

The goal is no longer to cure, but to control the uLMS. It spread to the liver (9 cm X 9 cm x 6 cm.) I'm avoiding wearing belts... it just makes my stomach uncomfortable. It seems that a small amount fills it. When I suck my abdomen in, it feels full... and awkward.

According to my oncologist, there are still some options after this treatment.

Meanwhile, I have an appointment to pay for cremation. Then when the time comes, everything will be handled.

I haven't had a TV for several years. The technology changed, I'm too cheap to pay for cable, but other options are around now. So I've bought a TV and DVD player. I've got several DVDs, both gifts and found at Goodwill, that I want to watch.

Today I had a conversation with my daughter. She asked the difficult question. Apparently she knows that I've been minimizing the illness. She asked if I knew how long I have. Maybe I've already written this here.... I think I've got two years. Just like I thought I had two years in January, 2015. I suspect (after reading several blogs and e-mails) that the last six months are rough. I've assured her that when the time comes I'll have several months notice. I hope that is true.


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