Driver License changed June, 2016
Today I went to the Tax Assessor's office, and changed the address on my driver's license. I know, I should have done that months ago.
I also dropped the organ donation designation. I got my first driver's license in 1977. I've been an organ donor since then. But cancer changes things... and LMS changes a lot of things.
Taking an organ from my body would quite possibly transfer LMS cells to the recipient. I was an organ donor almost 40 years. I donated blood for years. It just seems wasteful to put a perfectly good heart or lung or liver into the ground. Except my heart, lung and liver are not perfectly good.
I also dropped the organ donation designation. I got my first driver's license in 1977. I've been an organ donor since then. But cancer changes things... and LMS changes a lot of things.
Taking an organ from my body would quite possibly transfer LMS cells to the recipient. I was an organ donor almost 40 years. I donated blood for years. It just seems wasteful to put a perfectly good heart or lung or liver into the ground. Except my heart, lung and liver are not perfectly good.
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