Last cup of coffee... for a while.

The last time I did chemo, I gave up coffee. The taste was off, and I had been told that some chemo patients hate foods they used to love, IF they forced themselves to eat/drink them.

Today the coffee is meh... doesn't taste good, doesn't taste bad. The last few weeks, I've indulged in the many tastes that I LOVE, but can't eat during chemo. Last weekend was a huge Sushi feast at a local Thai restaurant. I've been eating (and gaining a bit of weight) while enjoying while I can.

From now on, I'm eating for nutrients, not for taste. If the last round is any indicator, nothing will taste good. I'm prepared. Last time I learned that I could focus on texture, temperature and tints. Since I couldn't trust my taste buds, I was trusting other clues. I was careful with expiration dates. Since everything tasted "off," I could easily eat something that had spoiled.

more about adventures in chemo and eating later. I'm heading off to my knitting group.... at a coffee shop.


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