It's been rather boring here....

I've had my second treatment of Doxyrubicin (aka the "Red Devil"). I'm fatigued, exhausted after unloading the dishwasher. I sleep a lot and barely answer the phone. Thursday, I had a doctor's appointment with supportive care at 8:45 a.m. I managed to get there, and look good, but took a long nap when I got home.

So there's not much going on here. I'm tired. I sleep. Occasionally I can't sleep at night (like tonight) because I've slept all day. Is the ache in my back from sleeping too much? Sleeping in the wrong position? Don't know. It just aches. I can take a pain med, but that makes me constipated. So do I want a dull ache now or a more painful time tomorrow?

This is the point where it seems like life will be this way forever. My belly is bigger due to... the tumor? the fat? the lack of exercise? Don't know. At least I kept my larger pants so I have something to wear. I'm constantly cold in the house, because roommate keeps the temp in the low 70's. I go outside and sit on the porch to warm up. This is also a side effect of the chemo.

I'm taking an anti-nausea drug, so my stomach isn't gurgling. I can still taste food, but have lost a bit of weight. That was a surprise, I expected a gain because I've been eating everything that tastes good, in anticipation of food tasting "gray" in the future. Actually, Gray is good. The worst is when even water tastes like toxic waste. But I'm ready, lots of yogurt and cottage cheese for protein and calcium. As well as a variety of water flavorings (surely one of these will taste ok.)

So that's what's going on. Not much of anything... Ah, I had a birthday this week. But I've avoided thinking about what the next year will hold. I'm grabbing the fun moments, and making them last as long as possible...


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