Red Devil: Dose Three

Again, I had someone drive me to the infusion appointment. We were running a bit late, hit the lab about 5 minutes late, The ARNP appointment was the same time as the lab. The nurse and I had a great conversation about Pokémon Go. We're both getting excited about the game. I'm feeling good.

Well, let's clarify "good." I'm tired a lot, but have days where I get the dishwasher unloaded. About half the time I start laundry, but finish it after a nap, or later in the day. --- and the laundry is piled on my bed, so it's not really done. When I'm sitting on the couch, I feel good. I'm eating well, can still drink coffee, and have stable weight.

The infusion went well. My roommate and I ate at Cracker Barrel for lunch, then I went home for a nap. The steroids keep me moving when I'm awake. I got some cleaning done.

We moved into this home almost a year ago. I'm still finding places and sorting what needs to stay and what needs to go. I've kept too much, and need to sort clothes so I've got what I want, and will use.

So I'm writing this Sunday morning... still feeling the energy of the steroids (which are used to prevent side-effects or allergic reactions to the chemo).


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