Red Devil: Dose Four

Interesting day yesterday. Lab appointment was 7:15, wow that's early. The medical assistant couldn't get blood return from my port. So he pulled blood from my arm, then sent me over to a nurse. She injected TPA into the port. It dissolves.... whatever might be blocking my port. Wait an hour before taking it out.

There was time to head down to the cafeteria (which is being remodeled)... this is the Summer, and the slow season in Florida. Moffitt is done remodeling the Infusion Center waiting room. They started the cafeteria a couple months ago, and have now moved all the serving line to a small area that was just vending machines. It will be wonderful in a couple months.

I went to see my ARNP, but got a different ARNP. All is well except a concern about my blood glucose which has been high a couple appointments in a row. We discussed future treatments, as well as a possible break in treatment when I'm going on a cruise with my friend. I'll get a cardiac ultrasound to determine ejection fraction, and then continue with two more doses of Red Devil. At some point, we'll do a body scan to see how this is all working.

As I said before, my waist size is smaller, I think the liver tumor is shrinking nicely. ==and unless I see otherwise, this is what I believe. Overall, I'm tired, but getting out for social events approx. once per day. Last Tuesday I had three social events, and slept the next day...all day.


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