In the first days of this adventure, I found this TED talk. Baba Shiv talks about giving up the driver's seat TED Talk . With this rare form of cancer, I choose to listen to my oncologist, and follow her directions. My goal is to live another 10 years. My roommate challenged that recently. His sister has battled a variety of cancers for many years. She's tenacious, intelligent and currently in remission. Cancer has become a chronic disease for many. I don't know. I don't have the data (until the results are reviewed by my physician) from the latest CT with contrast scan. I've gathered the old CT scans from other facilities and will be taking them to Moffitt next Tuesday. Then... well, then we'll have a battle plan. Overall, I'm working on multiple outcomes. I need to be prepared. For example, I'm going through my bookshelves and discarding many books. Why? I may be moving to a different home....
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