CT report 2/16/2017

Okay, CT results from last Thursday. SMALLER.... all the lesions are about half to a quarter of the size they were. The liver lesion is dead, and slowly being carted off by my body's trash system. The spinal vertebra shows no growth; the adrenal is smaller (first time!!) and the lung lesions are shrinking. SMALLER.

Other good things? I found the clothes basket with the missing underwear which now doesn't fit because of my 40 pound weight loss. No, I wouldn't recommend this diet. Another good thing? I had the energy to look for and find the laundry basket. -- I've got my appetite (and hair) back with this maintenance treatment of Yondelis.

Ah, I'm pulling out the tape measure, and then ordering my fav underwear from Hanes.com. Heck, I may even order some yoga pants since all I have are black.....and too big (fortunately they have drawstrings....so they fit any weight.)


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