Status Report February 1, 2017

Two years past diagnosis and initial treatment.

Third round of Yondelis finished yesterday. Feeling good.

I was able to feel the large liver tumor, there's little there (including no pain). I've got a CT scheduled to find out if the liver tumor is going/going/gone.

I've been very weak. Recently my resting heart rate, after walking a few feet, was 129. Not good. I need to move around, so I keep healthy. I've been walking with a cane, walker and (at the hospital) wheelchair.

Nesting: I've been nesting.. curling onto the couch, playing on the computer, knitting, sleeping, watching TV, eating and drinking. This has been BAD for me. SO I'm now standing up on a regular basis.... I am at least staying awake during the day.... so I am sleeping through the night.

I'm realizing that eating is huge. When I eat breakfast, I can move through the day... My reserves are down that far. I've lost a total of 45 pounds in two years. Twice I've lost 20# or so, then gained a bit back. Once I ended up in the hospital for being so weak. Strangely, I don't feel a different size. I first noticed when a pair of my favorite jeans were loose. My abdomen is strangely shaped, like a deflated balloon, with valleys and sinkholes. I get chilly faster, and blamed that on Florida winter, but I suspect is more due to lack of internal insulation (aka fat).


  1. Well, some of that may be due to Florida winter. It has been cold at times. *hugs*


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