Stone cold sober

I don't talk about this much -- just to the right person at the right time. Lately, I've been thinking about my life... and an important part of it.

I've been sober since September 28, 1983. Here's a list of what I've accomplished stone cold sober....

I've had a child out of wedlock (with an uninvolved partner)
I've raised that child,
Got a Bachelor's Degree
Worked in a health care setting at the Director level
Opened a new hospital with an amazing team of professionals,
Liquidated my assets and moved to a retirement park.
Have been diagnosed and treated for uLMS, so far: 3 types of chemo, radiation, and disability retirement.

So many of these could make someone drink alcohol. I've made it through this. If you want to stay sober in crazy circumstances, you can do it!!


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