Timelines, guesses, and goals to exceed

Yondelis which is the amazing new drug that I'm taking. It was approved by the FDA in October, 2016. This drug prevents growth (although in me, it has shrunk tumors to about 1/4 of their previous size). Statistics show that it works for approximately 6 to 9 months. Of course, I'm hoping this will work much longer. I feel great.

I started Yondelis in November. The first few cycles were tough. I had picked up a cold (no immune system) and slept a lot. I've been on this four months. Maybe Dr. Chon has another treatment planned after this. Otherwise, I head to clinical trials. They do clinical trials on people who are close to the end. And then, of course, there is hospice. With hospice, you only get pain meds-- no active treatment. I'm assuming the last few months will be the most difficult. Although, in December, I realized that a fast infection could take me out in a few days. More reasons to enjoy life now.

So timeline.... If I follow the others on Yondelis, it stops working in June. The tumors start growing, then a few more months before they damage the lungs enough that I have problems breathing. Theoretically, then I go to clinical trials.... maybe I'll be lucky and find another successful drug (for me). So I may see Christmas or 2018.

Tuesday I met a wonderful lady who had cancer 25 years ago. The doctor told her she had 2 years to live -- 23 years later, she's encouraging me. She was treated with Thallium (or something like that she said)... heavy duty, crude radiation from years ago. It worked for her, and she's here to encourage me. Let's see 23 years from 2017.... Maybe I'll be able to encourage someone in 2040.

I'm preparing for my death, getting rid of excess, but also keeping things I need and love.


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