Yondelis /Trabectadin My experience

Yesterday was Cycle #6 with Yondelis aka Trabectadin.  I love this drug.  I know it is expensive, and new.  I live near Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, so the Monday and Tuesday visit every three weeks is not bad.  They've got me on OnBoard to keep my red blood cells up. 

This is not the first drug for me, I've listed my previous treatments at the end of this post.

Here's how my treatment goes:

Monday morning, I go to Moffitt Cancer Center, report to the lab, get blood drawn, and the port accessed.  Next stop, Gyno Oncology, where I check in with the Medical Assistant (weight, Blood pressure, pulse, temperature,)  Then I visit with an advance practice nurse, who reviews medications, allergies, current complaints, symptoms, questions for the oncologist).  Then I see the oncologist.  Questions asked and answered, next steps for treatment discussed.  Yesterday, we discussed when the next scan would be.  Ordinarily she gets scans after 3 rounds, but with my interruption due to the broken ankle, we'll wait for another cycle before scanning.

Then to the infusion center, where I check-in and wait.  I bring knitting to keep me occupied.  There were delays yesterday, and I ended up getting a book from the lending library there.

Here's the short version of what I've been through..

Hysterectomy in December, 2014
6 Cycles of Chemo
Spinal cord surgery
10 fractions of Radiation
5 Cycles of chemo

The score so far;  Uterine Leiomyosarcoma removed, Liver mets killed with chemo, tumor that disintegrated two vertebrae now removed, All that is left is Lung mets.... which shrank to 50% of their previous size when I was taking Yondelis in November & December, 2016.

Then I broke my ankle the first Saturday in March.  No Yondelis for 6 plus weeks.  I was excited to start back.  During the chemo vacation, I developed a cough that had me concerned that the lung mets were growing.  (That cough has stopped in the past week... more exercise from the puppy, or lung mets reduced or who knows.)

The only annoying side effect of the Yondelis is a nasal drip.  I'm carrying Kleenex in my purse and stuffed up my sleeves, just like Mom did.  


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