Okay, I'm ready to talk.

When I went to Moffitt last Monday, things didn't go as expected.  I was scheduled for labwork, then my oncologist, then round #7 of Yondelis (aka Trebectadin).

That's not what happened.  The labs and oncologist visit went as planned.  Then I was sent to get a CT exam to see how the chemo is working. No food.... because it's a test.  (I was soooo grateful for the yogurt I grabbed that morning for breakfast).

The test was scheduled late, I got lots of knitting done.  Then we saw the doctor for the results.

The lung lesions are growing.  The Yondelis is not working. Chemo was canceled.  My oncologist works through the GYN clinic.  She has reached beyond her experience (I was her first patient on Yondelis).  She's referring me to the Sarcoma Clinic because they are more experienced in dealing with lung mets.   I have a first appointment with my new doctor on Friday.

I've had a rash for the past two weeks, so my skin is breaking down more than expected. 

Meanwhile, all is well with the ankle, though it is a bit stiff.  My ortho surgeon is referring me to Physical Therapy to increase the flexibility.

Changes.  Everything is different and everything is the same.


  1. You need to get on cannabis oil immediately. It works. I am living proof


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